Office Cost Optimization: Financial Fitness For Your Business

Office Cost Optimization: Financial Fitness For Your Business

By Kenish Shah


23rd Jan, 2024


3 min read

Office Cost Optimization: Financial Fitness For Your BusinessDifference Between Office Maintenance and Office CostsWhat are Office Maintenance Expenses?What are Office Costs?How Can Facility Management Reduce Costs?How to Maintain Office Expenses Using Excel?Conclusion

Office Cost Optimization: Financial Fitness For Your Business

As a business owner, you know that every penny counts. In today's competitive market, it's more important than ever to find ways to optimise your expenses and improve your bottom line. One area where you can save significant money is by optimising your office maintenance costs. This allows you to trim unnecessary costs and boost your bottom line. But how do you navigate this seemingly complex terrain? Keep Reading to find out.

Difference Between Office Maintenance and Office Costs

First and foremost, it is important to understand the difference between how much it costs to run an office and how much it costs to maintain an office. Better believe it, these two are NOT the same.

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What are Office Maintenance Expenses?

Both office maintenance and office costs take up a sizable chunk of your revenue but the cost associated with office maintenance is generally non negotiable. Your employee is your best asset and you need to create an environment for them that helps to preserve the integrity of your business.

Office maintenance expenses list:

  1. Repairs and Replacements: This includes fixing broken furniture, repairing plumbing issues, air conditioning, and replacing damaged office equipment.
  2. Cleaning Services: Regular cleaning, carpet cleaning, and window cleaning are essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic office environment.
  3. Pest Control: Addressing pest issues promptly can prevent damage to office property and maintain a healthy workspace.
  4. Landscaping: If your business has outdoor spaces, landscaping expenses for lawn care and plant maintenance may contribute to maintenance costs.

What are Office Costs?

Here is where things get a bit more flexible. It all comes down to how much revenue your business generates and thus, amenities can be purchased and provided to your employees as perks. You don't NEED a full sized barista machine and a pool table in the break room but if your means allow it, why not? These perks make your business attractive to potential new hires and gives an air of established authority to your clients. Speaking of which, hiring new employees is an avenue that is not talked about much when it comes to office cost optimization. Most hiring agencies might not yield your desired results because just looking a resume may not be enough. If you want to save costs on hiring new employees, try streamlining your hiring process with skill assessments on Equip. You can specifically reduce your costs for shortlisting candidates by automating the screening rounds with role-specific skill tests. Ideally, a business should not spend more than 20-30% of their revenue on office costs. But sometimes, companies go overboard. Let's talk about how to prevent that.

Office costs include the following:

  1. Daily use equipment: Things like laptops, computers, cell phones and furniture are meant to be used by the employees everyday. These are tools of the craft that drive your machine and need not be flashy. A marketing or a business development employee does not need the latest Macbook or the flagship Samsung Galaxy phone to fulfil their duties. A device with adequate features would do. Constantly upgrading technology without a clear need or benefit can result in high expenses. Evaluate the necessity and impact on productivity before making tech purchases. High-end, luxury furniture might be aesthetically pleasing, but it may not significantly contribute to employee productivity or satisfaction.
  2. Decor: Office decor tends to boost morale and motivates employees. But let's not go overboard. While a well-designed office is important, excessive decor, such as expensive artwork and renovations, that doesn't contribute to productivity can be considered a needless cost. Also, an office is a melting pot of different people, from different backgrounds, with different tastes. A decor that is appealing to you as an owner, might be tacky to someone else.
  3. Excessive perks: Offering perks might make your workplace fun and set up an encouraging environment but one should exercise restraint. Employee productivity can be boosted in other ways. A dedicated, fully equipped break-room with a ping-pong table serves very little practical purpose and is thus a liability. A penny saved today is a dollar earned tomorrow.
  4. Fulfilling just-in-case's: Humans are very forward thinking and tend to have all their bases covered at all times. In order to avoid a crunch, we take appropriate measures. In an office setting, doing so sets up multiple liabilities. Paying for subscriptions and softwares that someone might need at some point in the future and forgetting about it, is not being insightful. It is just another expense that adds up.

How Can Facility Management Reduce Costs?

Day to day office expenses are completely in our grasp, as long as we exercise self control. However, office maintenance expenses are not entirely non-negotiable. Spending can be adjusted by making certain changes, to optimise these expenses and get the best bang for your buck without compromising on the wellbeing of your employees or the integrity of your business. Here is how:

Regular Inspections and Preventive Maintenance

Routine inspections and preventive maintenance are key to identifying potential issues before they escalate. Regularly check office equipment, HVAC systems, and other facilities to address minor problems before they become costly repairs or replacements.

Efficient Energy Consumption

Energy expenses often contribute to maintenance costs. Implement energy-efficient practices, such as using LED lighting, optimising heating and cooling systems, and encouraging employees to power down electronic devices when not in use. These practices not only reduce maintenance costs but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

Vendor Management

Establish strong relationships with vendors to negotiate favourable terms and pricing for maintenance services. By consolidating services and choosing reliable vendors, you can often secure cost-effective maintenance contracts.

How to Maintain Office Expenses Using Excel?

Balancing costs of your daily operations in an art and Excel is your best tool in the drawer. Here is how you should get the best use out of it.

  1. Create a Spreadsheet: Build a spreadsheet with dedicated columns for date, expense description, category, and amount.

  2. Record Diligently: Enter all your office expenses into the spreadsheet regularly. Consistency is key!

  3. Track and Analyse: Utilise the spreadsheet to monitor your spending habits over time, identifying areas where you can optimise your budget.

  4. Calculate and Assess: Use Excel's built-in functions to calculate your total expenses for specific periods, average monthly expenses, and categorise expenses for further analysis.

  5. Filter and Sort: Employ the filtering and sorting features of Excel to gain deeper insights into your spending patterns and identify trends.


Financial fitness for your business involves strategic planning, especially when it comes to office cost optimization. By understanding maintenance costs, distinguishing between office expenses and maintenance, exploring examples of office maintenance expenses, and utilising efficient budgeting tools for expense tracking, you can make informed decisions to reduce costs while ensuring a well-maintained and efficient workspace. As mentioned before, office costs that provide very little impact to the company's image and integrity, should not exceed more than 20-30%. Implementing these strategies will not only enhance your bottom line but also contribute to the overall success and sustainability of your business. Remember, financial fitness is a continuous journey. By constantly evaluating your expenses and embracing a proactive approach, you can ensure your business thrives in a competitive landscape. Here, at PropReturns, we give the best possible advice when it comes to optimising the cost of your office space.

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Kenish Shah
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Co-Founder and CEO

A voracious reader and Real Estate enthusiast.