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Oberoi Commerz 2

PBD - Western Suburbs, Mumbai

Oberoi Commerz 2 is developed by Oberoi Realty Group located in Goregaon East, very good construction,leed certified building,Very Good tenant profile, commercial building on main western express highway. It offers spacious and skilfully designed office space. The project is well equipped with all the amenities to facilitate the needs of the office people. The property benefits from its distinguished location as it offers good connectivity via bus and railway station. The estate offers spacious and skilfully designed commercial office space with spectacular in-house parking backed by 24x7 security service. Retain the value of peaceful living, while conveniently close to hotels and markets. With its warm sense of community and only moments to shops, eateries and transport this structure provides all the elements for comfortable and easy care working. LEED Certification Status - LEED Gold


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