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Marwah Centre

SBD North, Mumbai

The Marwah Centre is a state-of-the-art commercial property by the Marwah Group, located in Andheri. It has been home to international and Indian MNCs since its inception. It offers ample parking, quick connectivity, hospitals and malls nearby, making it a desirable location for front offices. The B grade property is equipped with modern amenities and 24/7 security service to meet business needs. It provides supreme convenience with easy access to buses and dedicated in-house parking. There are also restaurants and hotels close by. With its warm sense of community and close proximity to shops, eateries and transport, this property provides all the necessary elements for a comfortable and convenient working environment.


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Key Highlights

Average rent/sq. ft. on carpet


Average rent/sq. ft. on builtup


Total number of tranasctions in last 5 years


Total rental value generated by building per year

₹25.91 L

Average YoY growth


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